Our products

Final GNSS products generated for IGS and IGS/MGEX (GRG0OPSFIN after week 2237 and grgwwww before week 2238):

GRG0OPSFIN_YYYYDDD0000_01D_000_SOL.SNX : Daily Normals Equations for EOP and Stations coordinates in SINEX format
GRG0OPSFIN_YYYYDDD0000_07D_01D_ERP.ERP : Weekly EOP solution
GRG0OPSFIN_YYYYDDD0000_01D_05M_ORB.SP3 : Daily GPS, GLONASS & GALILEO ephemeris/clock at 5-min intervals
GRG0OPSFIN_YYYYDDD0000_01D_30S_CLK.CLK : Daily GNSS ephemeris/clock at 30-sec intervals
GRG0OPSFIN_YYYYDDD0000_01D_30S_ATT.OBX : Daily GNSS Atittude at 30-sec intervals in ORBEX format
GRG0OPSFIN_YYYYDDD0000_01D_01D_OSB.BIA : Daily GNSS Osbservable Specific Biases
Note: wide Lane Biases: grgwwww7.WSB : Weekly updated Wide Lane Satellite Biases (ftp site direct acces) (*)

Ultra-Rapide & Rapid GNSS products generated for IGS (since week 2243 - 01/01/2023) :

GRG0OPSRAP_YYYYDDD0000_01D_05M_ORB.SP3 :Daily GPS & GALILEO ephemeris/clock at 5-min intervals
GRG0OPSRAP_YYYYDDD0000_01D_05M_CLK.CLK :Daily GNSS ephemeris/clock at 5-min intervals
GRG0OPSRAP_YYYYDDD0000_01D_05M_ATT.OBX :Daily GNSS Atittude at 5-min intervals in ORBEX format
GRG0OPSRAP_YYYYDDD0000_01D_01D_ERP.ERP :Daily EOP solution
GRG0OPSULT_YYYYDDDHH00_xxx_xxx_xxx.xxx :Same but Ultra rapid (updated each 6-hours)

Our products are avalaible at the IGS Data Centers sites (see products-access). See also IGS Central Bureau Web Site for format description & access to Data center and the reference guide "A guide to using international gnss service (IGS) products".

Direct access to grg products for week 2260
At IGN Data Center : ftp://igs.ensg.ign.fr/pub/igs/products/2260/
At CDDIS Data Center : https://cddis.nasa.gov/archive/gnss/products/2260"

Products quality evaluation and comparisons between ACs are available on the weelkly IGS-reports and dedicated websites for IGS finals and for MGEX.

Please cite the use of our products with either:

Loyer S., Perosanz F., Mercier F., Capdeville H., Marty J.C. Zero-difference GPS ambiguity resolution at CNES–CLS IGS Analysis Center. Journal of Geodesy. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. Doi: 10.1007/s00190-012-0559-2, 2012.

Katsigianni G., Loyer S., Perosanz F., Mercier F., Zajdelc R., Sosnicac K., Improving Galileo orbit determination using zero-difference ambiguity fixing in a Multi-GNSS processing, Advances in Space Research, Available online 1 September 2018. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2018.08.035

For direct use of grg products using the Gins software please contact us at igs-ac@cls.fr.

(*) For Integer-PPP, it is better to use before 27/11/2022 the recent gr3 products available on igs data centter under products/wwww/repro3 (long names GRG6RE3FIN using antex igsR3.atx ) and from the 28/11/2022, the routine ‘grg’ products available under products/wwww (using igs20.atx). Note that the orbits, clocks and attitude files are to be used together, i.e for example GRG6RE3FIN_YYYYDDD0000_01D_30S_CLK.CLK.gz together with GRG6RE3FIN_YYYYDDD0000_01D_05M_ORB.SP3.gz and GRG6RE3FIN_YYYYDDD0000_01D_30S_ATT.OBX.gz, because radial orbit and attitude deficiencies/differences are compensated in the clocks. Mixing two integer-products (for example grg-orbit and gr3-clocks) is not recommended.