Presentations from the EGU08 session : "GNSS new capabilities for geosciences"
Vienna, Austria, April 15, 2008
Convener: F. Perosanz
Co-convener: R. Weber
GNSSMET - Contribution of tropospheric zenith delays derived from GNSS data to weather forecast in alpine areas
Karabatic, A.; Weber, R.; Leroch, S.
Abstract -
PDF slides (2.93 Mb)
Use of GPS high rate kinematic measurements for local sea surface determination, Vanuatu Archipelago
Bouin, M.N.; Ballu, V.; Calmant, S.; Pelletier, B.; Ammann, J.; Guillon, D.; Bouillaguet, R.; Panché, J.Y.; Folcher, E.
Analysis of ionospheric errors and correction techniques in high-rate GPS glaciology
de Juan, J.; Elosegui, P.; Davis, J. L.; Nettles, M.; Larsen, T. B.
Abstract -
PDF slides (2.54 Mb)
Ground-based water level observations at Lake Walchen using reflected GPS L1 C/A and modernized GPS L2C signals
Helm, A.; Stosius, R.; Montenbruck, O.; Yudanov, S.; Beyerle, G.; Rothacher, M.
Abstract -
PDF slides (82 Kb)
GFZ prototype for GPS-based real time deformation monitoring
Ge, M.; Chen, J.; Vennebusch, M.; Gendt, G.; Rothacher, M.
Abstract -
PDF slides (1.98 Mb)
Using GNSS data in real-time for geodetic applications
Söhne, W.; Stürze, A.; Mervart, L.; Weber, G.
Abstract -
PDF slides (1.33 Mb)
Relative positioning of LEO satellites at different baselines using GPS
Wang, S.; Hill, C.; Sowter, A.
Combined processing of GIOVE-A and GPS measurements using zero- and double-differences
Svehla, D.; Heinze, M.; Rothacher, M.; Steigenberger, P.; Daehnn, M.; Kirchner, M.
The Status of Quasi-Zenith Satellite System Development (solicited)
Kogure, S.; Terada, K.; Sawabe, M.
Galileo onboard clocks and GNSS time transfer by means of Galileo (solicited)
Hahn, J.
A novel design for the navigation system and proposal to unify the timing and the positioning system using GIOVE Follow-on
Svehla, D.